Mobile, Ala. is a (insert adjective) kinda town. (I apologize, my mom and I played Mad Libs this evening and my mind is fresh out of adjectives) The people, however, are refreshingly kind. Upon arrival; after checking in, napping, freshening up; we went to a bar. In hopes to find dinner. That didn't happen, but the waiter insistently offered me the food he brought to work with him. I turned him down, of course, but only because he had an apple. If it was a very large, very greasy, very fattening cheeseburger, however, it would have been mine. I'm kidding...I probably would have suggested sharing it. BUT, we found food. It's ok.
I'm not going to even discuss the whole reason for going to Mobile. I'll give it a three word summation. Really. Bad. Football. It's ok. I forgive Stan Parrish and Nate Davis for messing up. I'm still, and always will be a Cardinal.