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Friday, February 27, 2009

An Example?

After 150 years of serving their community, The Rocky Mountain News has ran it's last issue. Is this something other newspapers have to look forward to? Are forced to look forward to?

My heart goes out to the entire staff of this reliable, commendable publication. I hope they all look at this as an opportunity to do something new, instead of being the pessimists that seem to have taken over this country.

Attached is a link to a memorable multimedia piece put together in honor of the RMN. I hope, instead of scaring or saddening you, it gives you a sense of appreciation for local news and those still providing it around the country.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

One Whole Year

Monday, February 23, 2008 was day one of my relationship with Kyle. To be honest, we started "dating" on January 5. However, on February 23 as we sat having some conversation that probably helped us get to know each other, he asked the question that I had been pushing him to ask. "Irem, I already consider you my girlfriend." Kyle felt very disinclined to ask the question because apparently this tradition has passed. I wish I lived in the time when being asked to "go steady" was the thing to do. Maybe, when I have kids, it will be something like, "will you join me in my quest to find love?" 
So, very unexpectedly (but hopingly) Kyle asked it. Ohhhh, it was sooo cute! I wonder if his hands were sweating because he seemed nervous, or maybe just embarrassed. I told him I would have to think about it. Well, he didn't think that was funny.
I fell in love with him a lot faster than I had expected. Once you have been in love before, like I have, you would think the second time around would be a little more cautiously approached. I told him one night at a bar, three months after our official relationship began. I was trying to set up my best friend with his best friend. It wasn't going so smoothly. Maybe I felt like I had to spice things up. Oh, and if you are confused, yes, I told him first. I wouldn't have said it if I knew he didn't feel the same way. Even still, in the smoky bar, shortly after spilling my friend's beer all over Kyle and myself (to this day, I don't know how it happened), it was a very invigorating moment. As if this huge weight had been lifted off of me, and after he kissed me, I was able to let out the most relieving sigh I have ever let out. Or maybe I burped. Who knows.
All I know is that we have been together one year now. Dating, now, for 13 and a half months. We spent last night eating a meal that he made for us, (who knew he could cook?!) and happily joking about how many more years we will spend together. 1/2? 3? 50?