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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Airbus? More like Ocean Floor Bus.

I'll just take a moment to say hello again! It's been a long time, I know. I have been extremely busy this summer laying out, playing Wii, seeing friends...I apologize for the agony I have caused you as you wait for my next blog. I thought about writing something funny, but no. There is something I must share with you (and it's serious.) 

What's up with Airbus? Huh? I'm supposed to fly in two weeks. Chicago->Madrid via Iberia Airlines (proud owner of Airbus planes). To be honest, I am a bit frightened. Sure sure, I have been flying Turkish Airlines for God knows how long, and yes they use Airbus...but Turkish pilots are brilliant, flawless....and probably good looking. It is true that my soon-to-be Spanish pilots are probably gorgeous as well, but are they capable of flying an Airbus for 8 hours? Most of which will be over an ocean? 

American Airlines Airbus A300. November 12, 2001. 265 people died.
Air France Airbus A330. May 31, 2009. 228 people died. 
JUST TODAY!! Yemenia Airlines Airbus 310. 153 people on board. One survivor (so far). Apparently, you have to be five years old to survive an Airbus crash. FIVE! I'm almost 25! I should just go ahead and start living life as if I were told I had two weeks left to live. Super Smash Brothers here I come...