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Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I arrived in Istanbul, safe and sound, despite what I imagined and even after I made out a mental will. I'm sorry Iberia Airlines, but I will never fly with you again. It was like the third world of airplanes. 

We didn't have our own tv. We had to pay for booze. Pay. Money. And we didn't have our own tv! Come on. I must say, however, that it was mildly flattering the way you all assumed I was Spanish, but the eyerolls after I couldn't understand you were unexpected. Who are you? French? 
I arrived in Istanbul, rushed to the visa line (make me a Turkish citizen already!!) and when I looked over at the passport control line, my heart sank. It was SO long. Then I spotted my father. "Go all the way over to the right," he said. I'm thinking I was going to go through the Turkish passport line, which I sometimes do, but ohh no. I went through the line designated for soldiers and the handicapped. I shouldn't even call it a line because there wasn't one. Amazing. I guess my dad has a certain charm that I was unaware of. 
Overall, so far the trip has been great. As usual. I guess that is in large part to starting the vacation like this:

Friday, July 10, 2009

The French Lose Again.

I was doing my morning news reading rounds when I fell upon this article.  It talks about a study that Expedia did, interviewing hotels from all over to see who were the best/worst tourists. 
It's no surprise the French came out in last place. They are "rude" even in their own country. But there were a few things that I thought were interesting/funny:
1) The Japanese. Of course they were number one on the list because they have taken over the world! They are everywhere, and we all know it. If they didn't get number one they would probably have some explaining to do to someone back home.
2) Second are the British. Really? Why?
3) Canadians came in third. I hope they are not talking about the ones from Quebec because they are worse than the French.
4) USA. Really? We came after Sweden? Do the "Swedenese" really even go anywhere? Bull. We (Americans) got voted worst dressed. What is this? A high school mock election? Not only did we get worst dressed (eye roll), we got loudest, least tidy and the worst complainers (no argument there.) 
Oh. At least we got "top marks for generosity, as the biggest spenders and tippers." No shocker there. That's probably where all the complaining comes from. No one else in the world is selfish enough to expect a 20% tip as the waiters/waitresses/helpers/etc. are here.
Ah, but American tourists got most likely to try a new language! That's cool...except they would never try to actually say it properly making them look even more ridiculous. No offense. 

The last sentence was really the best part of the article. "France's rivals (rivals! ha!) for the world's 'worst tourist' tag, Spaniards and Greeks, came near the bottom of the pack in almost every category." They mentioned nothing about Turkish tourists. That's probably because Turkey is so beautiful no one ever travels outside the country. Go Turks!!