I gave up an opportunity to introduce Laurie Lindeen (see two blogs below) because of my glossophobia, or fear of speaking in public. I started to think of other fears that have ruined my life. Achluophobia, fear of darkness. Whenever I am in the dark, alone, I suddenly don't feel alone anymore. There have been numerous occasions where I would run from my car to my mother's house at night because it was dark out. Actually, running just makes the whole situation scarier than necessary. Astrophobia, fear of thunder and lightning. This might not be SO intense that I could call myself astrophobic. However, I have never been able to gave out the window, and enjoy a storm like the rest of normal society. Philophobia, fear of falling in love. Love is a scary thing. No offense, Kyle. Atychiphobia, fear of failure. Oh, come on. Don't we ALL have this? Ergophobia, fear of work. Why don't I have this?!? I wonder if I could draw unemployment if I complained of my intense ergophobia. Someone try that out and get back to me. Polyphobia, fear of many things. There you go. That pretty much sums it all up.
All of these phobias were pulled, by me, from phobialist.com. If you have better names for any of them, let me know. My advice to you: Don't make up phobia names. It will make you look stupid.
Ex: Me "Fear of Halloween? Who has that?"
My co-worker/boss/editor/?? "Is that called Booophobia?"
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