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Monday, March 2, 2009


I don't know why, but I can't stop thinking about this...

When I was in Rome, I went on this amazing tour of the colosseum and the ruins of the Roman Empire. The tour guide was easily the most entertaining...but then he stopped us to share some bad news. He explained that the colosseum was deteriorating (duh) and that the solution that was thought to be saving this magnificent piece of history, was only making the inevitable happen quicker. Researchers are frantically trying to find a new way to preserve it, but alas they don't have enough funding (this was a few years ago, imagine how much money they don't have now). Anyway, he continued to inform us that Coca-Cola company offered to fund the entire research project, under one condition and one condition only. They must rename the colosseum Coca-Colasseum. HA! And put up a huge banner that says "Coca-Colasseum". HA! over and over again. That was exactly the response these researchers gave to Coke. "No, grazie" maybe they said that, as they trotted off to buy the latest pair of Gucci shoes. 

I imagine a time when the entire universe starts to fall apart. Will Twitter offer to provide funding to researchers to save the other under one condition? I think you know what their one condition might be...

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