As you may very well know, today is March 31st. The last day of the month. The last day of the month means, for us renters, that we owe money (a lot of money) to a certain landlord. But why? That is the question I want to ask all landlords across the nation. Why should we pay rent? The entire cast of "Rent", with the exception of Taye Diggs, spent an entire 135 minutes singing about how they refuse to pay _ _ _ _. Ok, they also sing a lot about disease, but HIV is not the title of the play/movie.
I am sick of it. I'm not going to pay rent this month. But I will, when my landlord comes searching for me, climb out onto my balcony, light my eviction notice on fire and throw it down upon them. I will also sing at the top of my lungs in an angry manner. "I'M NOT GONNA PAAAYY RRRREEEEENNNNNTTTT!"
Side note: None of this will happen and I will most likely send over a check tomorrow. Woe is me.
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