Lately I get these weird feelings inside me whenever I read, whether it's The Black Book by Orhan Pamuk (which I'm reading now) or Conservative Reformers: The Republican Freshman and the Lessons of the 104th Congress (which I'm reading now...as well.) The feeling I get, is that I suddenly feel prompted to put down the book, and write, which is basically what I'm doing now after reading a bit of Conservative Reformers.
I felt compelled to write "My Nation's Capital" (scroll down for more detail) while I was reading Petal Pusher: A Rock and Roll Cinderella Story by Laurie Lindeen. I was just discussing this book in my Advanced Creative Nonfiction Writing class (yes, I'm a badass) and I want people, outside of my class, to know how I felt about this book. I am also hoping that, while writing this, I will get discussion ideas for next Thursday, when I will actually have the opportunity to meet Lindeen. (Who is married to Paul Westerberg!!!)
Petal Pusher is the perfect combination of wittiness, sarcasm and harsh honesty that I aspire to have in anything I write. She is not only trying to find herself and a place to call home, but she is also in charge of a rock band. Even though I have no desire to be in a rock band, everything about her life is relatable. Her ability to deglamorize and de-dramatize everything is genius. She takes you on multiple journeys throughout the book that, against all odds, have something to do with each other. Her terrific timing of when to be funny and when to be serious gave me the ability to know her more than I've known any other memoirist. Her very wise decision to leave the band and begin writing is something you will agree with me on if you Youtube Zuzu's Petals, and then read this. In conclusion, if you have time to spare, read this book. It will provoke you to write in ways you never thought possible.
I like the Black Book...