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Monday, March 30, 2009

Slap That On Your Fridge

This passed semester has not been a productive one. I believe the word I am looking for here is "senioritis". Man, do I have it big time. I am aware that should I fail even one class, there will be no graduation for me, but it doesn't seem to provoke me to do anything about it. My poor political science class got the boot from my attention a while ago. The last time our entire class met, we were asked to pick a book/group to join. As you now know, I wasn't paying attention and I didn't even know what the options were. A girl across the room announced that she wanted to read Conservative Reformers, and then my name was called. "Um. Conservative Reformers?" I didn't know what else to say. To this day I don't know the name of our other choice. So, we Conservative Reformers reader were attending class, while the other half had a few weeks off. I didn't even know what the book was about until a week before the exam. I can be honest, right? Having done not so well on the previous test, I spent a lot of time just trying to get myself to read it. I decided to wait until my professor gave the list of terms to know, and then I would study. Well, he gave them out on Thursday, which meant I had until class Tuesday to learn them all. Friday: I did not study. Saturday and Sunday: Who studies? Monday: I studied for 10 minutes. Tuesday: I skipped my class right before to study. In total, I spent about an hour and 20 minutes. I went to class feeling overwhelmingly confident. I was asking my classmates questions about all the terms, just to make sure I was right, and began to feel worried when they all started giving me answers I had not come up with. Too late. The test was being handed out. Oh God Oh God Oh God was all I was thinking the entire time. 

I received my grade about 10 minutes ago, and I must confess that I feel sorry for everyone else in my class because...I got an A! BOOM goes the dynamite! I feel like being extra productive tonight! Unfortunately, Gossip Girl is all new tonight and I can't sacrifice that. Maybe someday I'll change.

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