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Friday, April 3, 2009

I See You, May 9th!

At this moment, in exactly five weeks, I will have taken my last final. Literally. Last. Final. EVER. I took a look at my calender widget today (F12 for you Mac users, you) and I saw it! May 8th! And I could even see the next day, which is even better, May 9th! The big day where I will have officially grown out of classrooms and textbooks. I will wrap my gown around me, place my cap securely on my head, walk across the stage, shake my dean's hand and never look back. Not even a glance over my shoulder. Not even a wave goodbye. Not even a pause for remembrance. Not even a...well, you get the idea. 

After this long dramatic ceremony will be a party where my mother's entire backyard will be surrounded by me. You're all invited!! (If you get an invitation) May 9th, here I come and no Fs can stop me! (Ok, actually an F could stop me...crap. I probably just jinxed myself. Stupid blog post.)

1 comment:

  1. Gah, five weeks. My great excitement is tainted by my feelings of "oh shit, I have five weeks to move everything I own out of my house, find a place to live in Portland, finish everything for school and figure out all the other little details of my life..."
